Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Hola a todos!  If you haven't already heard, I arrived safely to San Jose, Costa Rica early Sunday morning.  My host family is very nice and their house is small, but comfortable in a cute and colorful neighborhood.  Everyday I take a 30 minute bus ride to CIME, the Center for International Multidisciplinary Education where I am taking Spanish classes.  Yesterday we walked to the downtown of San Jose to see the sights.  It is a very vibrant city!  I'm not sure it has completely sunk in that I am living in another country, but I am loving seeing mountains and tropical plants everyday!!!  Pictures to come = )


  1. Hi Samantha, I'm glad to get a few details of your life in Costa Rica and excited for pictures. I think it was warmer here in Wisconsin on Monday and Tuesday (90-100) than it was there (according to! Tell Amanda that I'm enjoying her blog as well.
    Love you! Mom
