Monday, October 14, 2013


September brought two weeks of much needed vacation time. It was great seeing family and friends in Wisconsin and spending time with Logan in Omaha.
 We won medals in a 5K! Yes those are matching headbands
 The Omaha Zoo and Aquarium

Grilling and homemade cheese curds! Yum!
Okay, maybe this one isn't a highlight, but it was memorable. I had to get stitches after a minor bike fall. I was a little scratched and banged up for a few days...

After the break, I felt refreshed and ready to sprint towards graduation which will be taking place on November 20th. I can't believe how fast the end approaches, and I can't wait to see what's next!


  1. I am so excited for you, Sam! As always, I enjoyed reading your most recent posts. What an amazing 9 1/2 months you've had! Can't wait to see you - in 36 days... :)

  2. Those cheese curds! Can we make them for Christmas?!

  3. Tell Logan that I'm very impressed with the cheese curds too! They look very professional.

  4. I'll let him tell you about them...there is room for improvement
