Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Well last weekend we did, in fact, visit Volcan Irazu which has been inactive for almost 50 years but is still breathtaking!  I'll post pictures when i get a chance.  This week i started volunteering full time with an organization called Casa San Lazaro.  Basically this is a Christian ministry that serves lunch to almost 300 children every weekday in a poor neighborhood near San Jose.  They also provide tutoring, family workshops, and character development.   This is a really cool opportunity to give back to the community, to learn firsthand about some of the social conditions in this country, and to practice my Spanish!  So far it has been challenging, but i've been learning a lot too!

Recent Highlights:  
      1) going to the barrio church on Sunday with my host dad and little brother
      2) getting bitten by hormigas (ants)
      3) playing futbol (soccer) with the kids today!


  1. Ugh...hope the ant bites weren't too bad! The volunteering sounds like it's just your thing, hope it's fun. Sorry we missed you tonight, let us know when is a good time to skype this week. Love you!

  2. That sounds like a pretty sweet organization to volunteer for. I think it's awesome that you get to do that! I'll pray that you keep making an impact!

  3. Is getting bitten by ants truly a high-light?? Ouch! Hoping to skype you soon. Love you!

  4. I brought my computer home so i should be able to Skype on Sunday afternoon or someday next week - and haha the ant bites were not that bad; they just kind of stung for a while - it was comical because everyone was getting bit and jumping around trying to get them out of their clothes, etc.

  5. The volcano pics are beautiful. Hard to imagine water being that color. I also like the new picture of you on the hammock. Hot & Humid here today in good, old Wisconsin! I hope you had a good weekend. Love you!
